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When to Consider a Laser Acne Treatment

If you suffer from acne you know the psychological toll it can have on your self-esteem.  Your skin is not something you can easily hide, and you shouldn’t have to. There are many acne treatments out there, so when should you consider a laser treatment?

Steps to Curing Acne

Practicing healthy nutrition is the first step you should take to cure your acne. Eating healthy foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon is a good place to start. Avoiding gluten and dairy may also help clear your skin. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is of the utmost importance, and drinking green tea is also known to be beneficial to the complexion. Getting some exercise is also great for treating acne. Getting the blood flowing carries oxygen and nutrients to your skin which is vital for repairing and rejuvenating cells.

Maintaining healthy oil production is also vital for your skin. Although oily skin can cause acne, you don’t want to dry out your skin by eliminating all production of oil. Your body produces oil for a reason, so drying out your skin won’t cure acne. Moisturizing regularly will prevent your body from over producing oil.

Unfortunately, some acne is just hormonal and stubborn. If you can’t seem to cure your acne, you might want to consider trying a laser treatment. Dr. Blanchar uses Cynosure Aesthetic Lasers which improve the tone and texture of skin after just one treatment. Finding the right doctor to perform this or any procedure is important, which is why you should choose a doctor with years of experience and expertise in this field of treatment. Start looking your best today by visiting our Fort Lauderdale doctors office located right on the water.

Dr. Blanchar

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