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How Lasers Can Treat Acne and Rosacea

Acne and rosacea each leave uneven redness on the skin of your face, an unflattering blushing that ages your skin’s appearance. The Elite iQ® laser platform delivers the power of light energy to restore smooth and even skin color.
Mar 6th, 2025
When Is the Right Time to Start Botox®?

When Is the Right Time to Start Botox®?

Whether you’re in your 20s and want to prevent hereditary smile lines or in your 50s and tired of looking at those deep creases in your forehead, the time to start Botox® is when your wrinkles begin to bother you.
Jan 2nd, 2025
Are Fillers Right for You?

Are Fillers Right for You?

Injectable cosmetic treatments are the medical aesthetics success story of the 21st Century. In 2022, over 15 million Americans requested some form of injectable procedure to improve their appearance.
Jul 2nd, 2024
How Can I Get More Collagen?

How Can I Get More Collagen?

About 30% of your body’s protein is collagen. It’s the most abundant protein and a basic building block for skin and connective tissues. Your body produces collagen throughout your life, but the rate slows as you age.
May 16th, 2024

Let's Talk About Losing Fat During Menopause

Weight gain during menopause is a common challenge for women as they get older. Hormonal changes affecting how your body stores fat make it more difficult to maintain your ideal figure. Weight gain doesn’t have to be inevitable, however.
Apr 8th, 2024
 Can You Help Me Reverse Sun Damage?

Can You Help Me Reverse Sun Damage?

There is a wide range of treatments to help you reverse the effects of sun damage on your skin, including new technology and refined traditional therapies. Here’s how we can help you regenerate and resurface your sun-damaged skin.
Mar 1st, 2024
Title: 4 Tips for Getting Rid of Love Handles

4 Tips for Getting Rid of Love Handles

It’s not simply your imagination when you think your body shape changes, even when you’re neither gaining nor losing weight. Love handles are a common problem area for many. It’s a difficult area to tone with exercise. 
Feb 2nd, 2024
 I'm in My 20s —Why Do I Already Have Wrinkles?

 I'm in My 20s —Why Do I Already Have Wrinkles?

While it’s normal to expect wrinkles as you age, you might expect these later in life than in your 20s. Many factors contribute to wrinkles, and more than one could create creases, crinkles, and crow’s feet before your 30th birthday.
Jan 1st, 2024

What Does Laser Tattoo Removal Feel Like?

Change is often a natural process, but when it comes to tattoos, you’ll need to help it along when you want to move on from a tattoo. Laser tattoo removal is commonly available today, but what does it feel like?
Dec 1st, 2023
What to do About Stubborn Belly Fat After 40

What to do About Stubborn Belly Fat After 40

You can work hard to achieve and maintain your ideal body weight, but there’s no guarantee your body will retain the shape you want, particularly if you’re over 40. Here’s what you can do to alter the contours of stubborn belly fat. 
Nov 2nd, 2023
Why Injectable Wrinkle Treatments Are So Popular

Why Injectable Wrinkle Treatments Are So Popular

Injectable wrinkle treatments are the medical aesthetics success story of the 21st century. Treatments are simple, effective, and safe, producing excellent results in short sessions with little to no downtime.
Oct 4th, 2023
5 Important Facts About Rosacea Flare-ups

5 Important Facts About Rosacea Flare-ups

There’s no definite cause behind rosacea, which experts suspect is an immune system disorder. That’s just one important fact about the condition and its flare-ups that you might not know — keep reading for more.
Sep 1st, 2023
Are Repeated Botox® Treatments Safe?

Are Repeated Botox® Treatments Safe?

To call Botox® a success is an understatement. Since its approval for cosmetic use in 2002, it’s become the most requested medical aesthetic procedure in the country. For best results, though, you need repeated treatments. Is it safe?
Aug 8th, 2023
Avoid These Things if You Have Urinary Incontinence

Avoid These Things if You Have Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a common health issue affecting older people and women who’ve given birth. The condition has several types and many levels of severity. Sometimes, you can make small changes that help you regain control. 
Jul 12th, 2023
I'm Embarrassed About Adult Acne — What Can I Do?

I'm Embarrassed About Adult Acne — What Can I Do?

Seeing acne blemishes emerge in adulthood is annoying, embarrassing, and frustrating. The good news is that adult acne is tied to hormones and skin conditions rather than a failure of personal hygiene, and there are ways to treat it. Here’s how.
Jun 1st, 2023
Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin

Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin

Sometimes, reducing fat depends on diet and exercise, but in many cases, you’ll retain stubborn stores of body fat that resist your slimming efforts. Double chins are notorious for this. Now, you can harness the power of lasers to help eliminate fat.
Apr 6th, 2023
How is Botox® Made and Is it Safe?

How is Botox® Made and Is it Safe?

On the surface, it can be surprising that one of the most toxic natural substances can have both cosmetic and therapeutic uses, but the truth is that Botox®, a drug derived from the botulinum type A toxin, is safe with very few side effects.
Mar 1st, 2023
Are Your Smile Lines Threatening Your Smile?

Are Your Smile Lines Threatening Your Smile?

There’s nothing as inviting as a warm smile, but is it possible to have too much of a good thing? When your nasolabial folds deepen with age, it can be. Radiofrequency microneedling may be the solution to restore smooth skin volume around your mouth.
Feb 15th, 2023
What are the Differences Between Dysport® and Botox®?

What are the Differences Between Dysport® and Botox®?

In a world where many medicines have both brand name and generic versions, it’s easy to assume that Botox® and Dysport® are the same product from different manufacturers. Though similar, these two anti-wrinkle products are not interchangeable.
Jan 19th, 2023
Why Is My Skin So Rough?

Why Is My Skin So Rough?

When it comes to young-looking skin, texture is as important as bright and even skin tone. When your skin displays an uneven, rough appearance, it’s hard to look your best. Chances are you have a problem with both dryness and dead skin buildup.
Dec 8th, 2022
Large Pores? Here's How We Can Help

Large Pores? Here's How We Can Help

The size of the pores on your skin is largely determined by your genes, but sun exposure and age can break down collagen and elastin, and this can reduce support, allowing pore size to expand. You do, however, have treatment options.
Nov 2nd, 2022
What Is Hyaluronic Acid and Why Is It So Important?

What Is Hyaluronic Acid and Why Is It So Important?

Hyaluronic acid fulfills a number of roles in your body, including a natural lubricant and moisturizer. It’s a key ingredient in products ranging from dermal fillers to eye drops. Learn more about this versatile substance.
Oct 7th, 2022
3 Reasons Why We Love Body Contouring

3 Reasons Why We Love Body Contouring

Though there are plenty of advantages to maturity, a slowing metabolism might be one we wish to skip. Our bodies sometimes make decisions for us, such as where to store extra fat, even when we’re fit. Fortunately, body contouring is under our control.
Sep 1st, 2022
Why Smoothing Out Fine Lines Has Never Been Easier

Why Smoothing Out Fine Lines Has Never Been Easier

As you age, the inevitable changes to your skin mean that fine lines begin to appear. Addressing these is key to restoring a fresh and even appearance, and dermal fillers are often your allies when it comes smoothing out fine lines.
Aug 3rd, 2022
When (and Why) to Consider Cheek Fillers

When (and Why) to Consider Cheek Fillers

Getting older is not for the timid, but there’s no way to avoid the forward progression of time. While your skin usually gets the most attention with anti-aging treatments, sometimes you need to go below the surface. Cheek fillers do just that.
Jul 6th, 2022
How Lasers Can Help You Bid Farewell to Sun Spots

How Lasers Can Help You Bid Farewell to Sun Spots

Sun damage is the top reason your skin looks older than it should. The drying and modifying effects of ultraviolet light aren’t the only issues — suns pots develop as UV causes clumps of pigment to form in your skin. Here’s how to get rid of them.
Jun 1st, 2022
5 Important Benefits of Your Annual Flu Shot

5 Important Benefits of Your Annual Flu Shot

Though it hasn’t been the most prominent respiratory infection in the news for the last two years, influenza remains a potentially serious illness that can be reduced or bypassed by vaccine. Here are 5 important benefits of your annual flu shot.
May 4th, 2022
Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective and long-lasting treatments to spare you from the chores of shaving and waxing. However, the question remains, is laser hair removal permanent? There’s not a simple answer.
Apr 1st, 2022
Can Botox Reduce my Crow's Feet?

Can Botox Reduce my Crow's Feet?

As skin ages, it thins and reveals more of the layers beneath the surface. When your face changes expression, plump and youthful skin no longer smooths over the contours of the underlying muscle, creating pronounced crow’s feet beside your eyes.
Mar 1st, 2022
All About Lip Fillers

All About Lip Fillers

Full, plump lips in a single session, with little recovery time? It’s not only possible, it’s a common procedure that millions of people enjoy every year. Filler injections for your lips may be the change you’re after.
Feb 1st, 2022
Can Laser Treatment Help My Acne?

Can Laser Treatment Help My Acne?

Though acne is typically considered an issue for teens, adults sometimes have it, too, and scarring from earlier outbreaks can last a lifetime. Aesthetic laser and light therapies help you with active acne as well as its after-effects.
Jan 1st, 2022
Am I a Good Candidate for Body Sculpting?

Am I a Good Candidate for Body Sculpting?

It’s the dream of many to easily melt away fat, and while there’s no system yet that can answer everyone’s dream, you may have a solution for shaping those remaining fat deposits that stand between you and the body contours you’re after.
Dec 1st, 2021
How to Ensure Natural-Looking Botox Results

How to Ensure Natural-Looking Botox Results

In the early days of Botox® Cosmetic treatments, there were reports of “overdone” work, injections that temporarily blocked normal facial expressions. But there are steps you can take to ensure natural-looking Botox results.
Nov 2nd, 2021
Popular Body Areas for Laser Hair Removal

Popular Body Areas for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is an effective and long-lasting treatment that can free you from the routine of shaving or waxing. While the Elite iQ™ laser system removes hair virtually anywhere, there are several commonly treated body areas.
Oct 1st, 2021
5 Common Rosacea Triggers

5 Common Rosacea Triggers

Rosacea gives your facial skin a flushed, red look, with mottled skin tone and sometimes, tiny, visible blood vessels. It’s usually intermittent, flaring up for weeks or months before subsiding again. Which conditions trigger these flare-ups?
Sep 1st, 2021
Can Anything Be Done About Unsightly Face Veins?

Can Anything Be Done About Unsightly Face Veins?

Smooth skin tone is a feature of youth that suffers with the passage of time. When spider veins appear on your face, it’s harder to maintain an even appearance. While you may not be able to avoid spider veins, you can reduce their appearance.
Aug 9th, 2021

Are Fillers Really Safe?

Soft tissue dermal fillers are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in America today. An effective way to turn back the hands of time, dermal fillers are safe when you choose brand name, FDA-approved products and reputable providers.
Jul 27th, 2021

Remove Your Unwanted Hair Once and For All

Removing unwanted body hair can be an endless chore unless you find a permanent system that works for you. Laser hair removal goes to the literal root of the problem to permanently stop hair follicles from producing.
Jun 17th, 2021

I'm Ready to Try Botox® — What Should I Know?

The success of Botox® Cosmetic is hard to deny. Injectable cosmetic treatments are far and away the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the United States. Considering Botox for yourself? Here’s what you need to know.
May 14th, 2021

Refresh Your Face with a HydraFacial® This Spring

Summer may still seem ages away, but now is the time to consider putting your best face forward before prime beach weather arrives. There’s nothing like the silky smooth renewal offered by a HydraFacial® treatment.
Apr 13th, 2021

Are Stretch Marks Forever?

Stretch marks don’t cause pain nor will they develop into a health issue. It comes down to how they look and how much that bothers you. You can minimize their appearance with laser treatments, but individual results vary widely.
Mar 9th, 2021

Clear Away Unsightly Spider Veins Before Summer

Spider veins are the betrayers of age when it comes to smooth, flawless skin on your legs. However, there’s no need to simply endure them. Treatment now restores beach-ready skin tone in time for bare legs this summer.
Feb 9th, 2021

Hit the Reset Button This Year With Skin Resurfacing

With the new year upon us, it’s a time for fresh starts. Consider a step back in time with younger looking skin. Light-based skin resurfacing treatments can reset the clock when it comes to refreshed, vibrant skin.
Jan 14th, 2021

The Main Reasons You've Lost Volume in Your Face

Few people enjoy the aesthetic changes that come with getting older. Yet, there are unavoidable processes that conspire to reveal the years you’ve lived. One of the primary changes is loss of tissue volume in your face.
Dec 13th, 2020

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

It doesn’t matter if you shave, wax, or pluck, you’ll need to do it all over again much too soon. If there’s a single selling point in favor of laser hair removal, it might be that it’s the best way to end days of dealing with unwanted body hair.
Oct 1st, 2020

Don't Let Acne Wreck Your Confidence

The appearance of acne can shake anyone’s confidence, whether a single pimple or a full-fledged outbreak. Though sometimes it’s hard to find an effective solution, there are many products and treatments to deal with the condition and its symptoms.
Jul 28th, 2020

The Difference Between Botox® and Fillers

Injectable cosmetic procedures continue their climb to the peaks of popularity with consumers seeking youthful, natural improvements to their appearance. Botox® and fillers both reduce wrinkles and lines, but they each work in their own way.
Jun 26th, 2020

General Medicine and COVID-19: What You Should Know

While the main health issue on everyone’s mind in May 2020 is coronavirus and COVID-19, your other health concerns won’t pause and wait for that crisis to end. Keep up treatment and preventive health practices for other conditions through quarantine.
May 14th, 2020

SculpSure®: Say Goodbye to Unwanted Fat Rolls Without Surgery

Workouts and diet are sometimes not enough. Certain stores of fat around your body prove difficult to reduce through conventional means. You could choose surgery, but that’s extreme. WarmSculpting™ with SculpSure® offers another alternative.
Apr 17th, 2020

Common Rosacea Triggers to Avoid

Do you suffer from rosacea flare-ups that defy medications and topical creams? Knowing common rosacea triggers can help you avoid the circumstances that lead to flare-ups.
Dec 1st, 2019

Incorporating Botox® into Your Regular Beauty Routine

Are you unhappy with the lines and wrinkles you've acquired over time? Botox® has become an easy, accessible option for people who want to cancel out the effects of aging and revisit their youthful appearance.
Oct 1st, 2019

3 Interesting Facts About Dermal Fillers

Safe, effective, and long-lasting, dermal fillers are among the most popular anti-aging treatments available. Read on to learn how these popular cosmetic injectables can help you achieve total facial rejuvenation.
Oct 19th, 2018

How Does Tattoo Removal Actually Work?

So, you want to get rid of your tattoo, but you're not actually sure how the process works? Let us tell you about our amazing laser tattoo treatment, PicoSure®, as well as about what to expect from your tattoo removal procedures.
Aug 31st, 2019
5 Rosacea-Friendly Skin Care Tips

5 Rosacea-Friendly Skin Care Tips

April is Rosacea Awareness Month, so we thought we would take this opportunity to shed a little light on this skin-reddening condition. And then discuss what we can do about it!
Apr 1st, 2019
Look younger and fresher with skin resurfacing

5 Problems That Can Be Treated With Skin Resurfacing

Whether you have fine lines, dark spots, sun damage, scars, or other skin surface abnormalities you’d like to correct or erase, laser resurfacing can restore and revitalize your skin from the inside out. Here’s what it can do for you.
Feb 6th, 2019
SculpSure, New Year, new you, Bayview General Medicine

Get the Body You Want This Year with SculpSure

New Year, new you, right? Right! If you’re ready to trade your most bothersome areas of persistent fat for a trimmer shape and a leaner profile, SculpSure® noninvasive body contouring can help. Here’s how it works.
Jan 16th, 2019
Noninvasive Body Contouring, Bayview General Medicine & Aesthetics

Why Men and Women Alike Love Noninvasive Body Contouring

Diet and exercise can go a long way in helping you reach and maintain a healthy body weight, but they can’t always give you the trim, toned physique you want. Find out why noninvasive body contouring is an ideal solution for men and women alike.
Dec 11th, 2018

Why PicoSure Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Unwanted Tattoos

Is your tattoo the only thing standing between you, a conservative hiring manager, and your dream job? We can help. Discover why the PicoSure® laser is second to none when it comes to removing unwanted tattoos safely, quickly, and completely.
Nov 12th, 2018

Build Body Confidence with SculpSure

pockets of diet- and exercise-resistant fat. Find out how you can achieve the shape you’ve always wanted — safely, effectively, and without surgery.
Sep 12th, 2018

How to Say Goodbye to Old Tattoos

It’s estimated that half of all people with a tattoo eventually have a change of heart and decide to get it removed. If you’re one of them, find out why PicoSure® laser tattoo removal is the best way to say goodbye to unwanted body art for good.
Aug 10th, 2018

Trouble with Unwanted Hair?

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments, and for good reason. If you’re ready to say goodbye to shaving, plucking, or waxing for good, read on to find out how laser hair removal can benefit you.
Jul 11th, 2018

Laser Vs. Non-Laser Skin Resurfacing

Enjoy the sun and surf of coastal living, but not the aging effects on your skin? Dr. Blanchar can help you understand the benefits of laser vs. non-laser skin resurfacing treatments. Learn about your options to fight the signs of aging.
Jun 22nd, 2018

Get A Leaner Body With SculpSure

If you feel like you’re on the losing end of a battle against stubborn fat, it’s not your imagination, and it’s certainly not a reflection of your hard work. But there is hope.
May 18th, 2018

Skin Resurfacing: Laser or Non-Laser Treatments?

How do you know which treatment is right for you? Dr. Blanchar explains some of the most effective laser and non-laser treatment options available to help you make a more informed decision.
Apr 20th, 2018

Does Your Diet Affect Rosacea?

Sure, we all get red in the face from time-to-time, but having others constantly mistake your facial redness for blushing is an all-too-familiar scenario for adults with rosacea. If you’ve ever wondered whether your diet affects your condition, the answer
Feb 21st, 2018

How Can I Get Fuller Eyelashes?

If gluing on false lashes every morning sounds like torture, you may want to consider alternative methods. At General Medicine and Medical Aesthetics, Dr. Richard Blanchar offers methods to help you grow your own fuller, longer eyelashes.
Feb 2nd, 2018

Tips for Keeping Your Skin Glowing All Winter

Keeping your skin in top condition through the winter is a task that’s much different than that of your friends in many northern states. Here are some tips to help you stay your glowing self.
Jan 10th, 2018

Why Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is becoming increasingly popular, according to statistics from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS).
Oct 18th, 2017

What is PicoSure?

As an aesthetic picosecond laser, PicoSure is actually the first of its kind.
Aug 16th, 2017

The SculpSure Laser

Most adults have stubborn areas of fat that seem impossible to get rid of. Dieting and exercise alone just doesn’t seem to help get rid of the fat lingering in these areas.
Nov 16th, 2015

The Ins And Outs of Sculptra Aesthetic

After having written on the key differences between Botox and facial fillers, we figured it was time to hone in on one of the products that Dr. Blanchar finds extremely beneficial with achieving one’s desired facial features.
May 13th, 2015

Botox or Facial Fillers? The Ultimate Debate

Not many people understand the difference between facial fillers and the infamous Botox, but they assume since they provide the same general effect, they're the same thing, right? Wrong.
May 1st, 2015

When to Consider a Laser Acne Treatment

If you suffer from acne you know the psychological toll it can have on your self-esteem. Your skin is not something you can easily hide, and you shouldn’t have to.
Apr 17th, 2015
What we offer
