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What are the Differences Between Dysport® and Botox®?

What are the Differences Between Dysport® and Botox®?

Dynamic wrinkles are a unique cosmetic issue. While skin aging plays a role, it’s not the primary reason for deep creases like worry lines and crow’s feet. These are problems that originate with the muscles in your face that form expressions. Over time, some muscles stay semi-permanently contracted, never fully relaxing and, therefore, never fully permitting your face to smooth out in these locations. 

Botox® Cosmetic was the first injectable treatment designed to treat dynamic wrinkles by forcing the full relaxation of treated expression muscles. It wasn’t long before other products using similar biotechnology came on the market. Today, the team at Bayview General Medicine recommends both Botox and Dysport® to their patients seeking treatment for dynamic wrinkles. While both products work similarly, they’re distinct treatments. 

Nonsurgical neuromodulators

Let’s start with the similarities between Botox and Dysport. Each uses a synthetic derivative of the botulinum toxin type A neuromodulator, a naturally occurring substance that can stop muscle contractions. After purification, dilution, and preparation, small amounts of Botox or Dysport can be injected into targeted expression muscles that have, over time, become partially frozen in a contracted position. 

Chemically, each product is slightly different despite sharing an active ingredient, and the proteins that bind with the botulinum toxin type A molecule are different. These proteins change the product’s characteristics and applications, making one or the other better for some patients. 

Patient exclusions

If you have allergies to milk products, choose Botox rather than Dysport. Milk proteins are part of the Dysport formula and may cause allergic reactions in rare cases.

Patients taking medications for muscle spasms may not be candidates for treatment with either Botox or Dysport, nor should pregnant women choose treatment for dynamic wrinkles, regardless of product. Blood thinners and muscle relaxants may also interfere with your treatment. 

Dynamic wrinkle applications

Botox has approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for cosmetic use in three locations: 

Because of its unique formulation, Dysport spreads more readily than Botox. While it’s only approved for treating glabellar lines, it’s intended for use in moderate to severe cases. It may be the better choice if this is your primary aesthetic concern. 

What to expect

Treatments with Botox or Dysport are virtually the same. They’re delivered by injection with fine needles, and neither needs recovery time after treatment. 

Where they differ are the treatment targets and dosages. Unlike other medications that often have brand names and generic versions, Botox and Dysport are not different forms of identical products. Think of these more in terms of brushes in an artist’s palette. While they perform similar functions, each has its own specialties. 

Find out more by talking to the Botox and Dysport experts at Bayview General Medicine. We can help you choose the right products to meet your aesthetic goals. You can book a consultation by phone or online today.

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