How Lasers Can Treat Acne and Rosacea

Young-looking skin has several characteristics that tend to fade with time. A clear and even complexion is the first among these. When you’re suffering from the redness of acne or rosacea, it can’t help but age your appearance.
The aesthetics team at Bayview General Medicine proudly offers the Cynosure® Elite iQ® laser workstation, an ideal platform for treating the skin pigmentation issues behind both acne and rosacea. Contact our Fort Lauderdale office to schedule a free consultation to discuss your skin’s aesthetic needs.
Facial redness
Rosy cheeks are often an attractive side effect of blushing or exposure to cold temperatures. Part of their charm is their temporary nature.
Acne and rosacea can cause long-lasting, blotchy redness that carries little charm. The flushing caused by acne can last years after outbreaks are no longer active, just as acne scars can linger.
Rosacea has no cure, and it produces persistent redness across the face. While you can manage outbreaks with medication and skin care, you may need more to counter the pigment problems left behind.
Your skin’s anatomy
The redness of acne and rosacea lives in the dermis, the protein-filled middle layer of your skin, below the translucent epidermis. This is where the collagen network that supports your skin dwells, along with the dilated spider veins that produce much of the unwanted flushing.
Your body can create new collagen, but since this occurs under the skin’s surface, triggering this natural healing response can be tricky. Chemical peels and various types of dermabrasion go through the epidermis, meaning you’ll have recovery downtime as your skin heals.
Aesthetic lasers can target the dermis without harming surface skin, making them ideal for stimulating new collagen production.
Elite iQ aesthetic laser workstation
When activated, all lasers, including Elite iQ, output a single wavelength of light. This wavelength can be tuned, and its narrow range means that its light energy is selectively absorbed.
When it comes to clearing redness, Elite iQ targets the dermis, heating collagen and elastin tissue to a point where your body detects damage as the laser energy passes safely through the surface of your skin. As the dermis reaches the coagulation point, your body starts replacing the collagen network.
The good news for acne and rosacea sufferers is that the red pigments and spider veins that are aging your skin get flushed away with the treated tissue. In the weeks after your Elite iQ treatment, you’ll notice that the uneven coloration of your skin subsides.
New collagen formation can even reduce the depth of acne pits, the scars remaining from when the condition was active, while reducing lingering redness.
Is Elite iQ right for you? Find out more by contacting Bayview General Medicine. Our physician, Dr. Richard Blanchar, can examine your skin’s condition and develop a custom treatment plan with the best chance to meet your aesthetic goals.
Call or click to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation consultation today.
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