Head into the Holidays Looking Your Best with SculpSure® Body Contouring

The annual holiday season is here, and there’s still time to make a difference in how your holiday finery fits. Ask us about SculpSure® body contouring.
At Bayview General Medicine, we recommend SculpSure to our patients who have worked hard to reach and maintain their ideal weight. Despite this, sometimes nature has ideas about bulges and fat stores that don’t align with your aesthetic goals.
A laser-based lipolysis method, SculpSure gives you the power to alter those aspects that don’t respond to diet and exercise. We can literally melt your unwanted rolls in a 25-minute treatment.
Why bulges remain
One of the weight loss dilemmas is that you have no control over where your body draws from its stores when you’re in a calorie deficit state to facilitate dropping pounds. In some cases, toning muscle shapes visceral fat beneath it, but other stores are subdermal, between skin and muscle, and no amount of toning makes a difference.
For some, this problem gets worse over time, depending on how their body manages fat storage. For example, submental fat under the chin can give your face an overweight appearance even when your body fat levels are within healthy limits.
The same holds true for fat on the flanks and love handles, places that create the muffin top effect. Rolls may remain on the belly and back, or you may hold the excess in your thighs. Any of these places can spoil the lines you want to accentuate in holiday outfits.
Looking your best with SculpSure
Adipose tissue is the medical term for fat, and it comes in several forms. Subcutaneous fat sits underneath your skin, visceral fat nestles around your organs, and bone marrow fills your bones.
Fat isn’t evil. Your body needs it to store energy, protect your organs, and insulate your body. It even helps regulate other functions, such as insulin and glucose management, which is why obesity and diabetes often go hand in hand.
However, some fat is simply excess baggage you don’t need, don’t want, and can’t get rid of. That’s where SculpSure comes in.
SculpSure directs laser light energy through your skin without damaging it, targeting the adipose tissue below. The tissue absorbs the energy and creates a gentle warming effect that boosts the temperature to the coagulation point.
Once tissue reaches this temperature, your body recognizes it as damaged, processes it, and flushes the defunct cells from the body. The best part is that these cells are gone for good.
As the fat cells leave your body over the following weeks and months, your body contours will change before your eyes.
Visit Bayview General Medicine now for a SculpSure session, and you’ll be in prime form for the Christmas and New Year’s party scene. Book your appointment by phone or online today.
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