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Can Botox Reduce my Crow's Feet?

Can Botox Reduce my Crow's Feet?

Whether you call them crow’s feet or laugh lines, it seems there always comes a point in the aging process when these active wrinkles cross the line between friendly and age-revealing. It’s due to issues with both your skin and the muscles responsible for forming expressions. 

In 2002, Botox® Cosmetic received approval for use by the Food and Drug Administration for cosmetic applications. Prior to that it was a therapeutic drug used to block muscle spasms around the eyes that interfered with vision. It’s that muscle-calming action that gives Botox its power, and it’s an ideal way to reduce the depth and intensity of problem crow’s feet. 

The team at Bayview General Medicine offers Botox injections for our patients seeking a younger and more relaxed look. The best Botox treatments depend on solid knowledge of the anatomy of the face, an excellent reason for choosing a medical aesthetics practice like Bayview General Medicine. 

Active wrinkles: skin and muscle

Problem crow’s feet result from a combination of skin and muscle issues, both related to getting older. 

Your body starts to lose collagen content in the skin in your late 20s or early 30s, and it continues a slow decline for the rest of your life. Along with the collagen goes moisture, volume, and elasticity. Around your eyes it means that your skin is going to reflect the shape of the expression muscles underneath. 

Your muscles suffer from the effects of time, too. Certain expression muscles, including those that form crow’s feet, take on a semi-permanent state of contraction over the years, never fully relaxing. Between this contracting and thinner skin, crow’s feet become a permanent fixture. Active wrinkles can also set in on your forehead, between your eyes, and beside your mouth. 

Botox to the rescue

The active ingredient in Botox derives from a neurotoxin found in nature. Synthesized, purified, and diluted, this ingredient nudges those semi-contracted muscles, allowing them to fully relax. Only certain muscles are targeted for Botox injection, those that cause the worst of the tell-tale ridges of crow’s feet. You won’t lose your ability to crinkle your eyes when you smile, but your face will smooth out when you relax. 

The loss of collagen and elasticity in your skin isn’t as much of an issue, since the shape of crow’s feet stems directly from your muscles. When they relax, your skin simply follows, unlike passive wrinkles which always show, regardless of your facial expression. Talk to your caregiver at Bayview General Medicine about dermal fillers to address passive lines and wrinkles. Botox and fillers work well together to give your face an overall smooth and relaxed appearance. 

What to expect

Your Botox treatment won’t take long, since there are only a few injections around each set of crow’s feet. The number of injections and units of Botox used depend on your face. Each treatment is customized to meet your needs. 

You’ll begin to see the effects of treatment in about three to five days as the injections take effect. One treatment typically produces results for four months or longer, but this varies from patient to patient. 

To learn more about what Botox can do for your crow’s feet, contact Bayview General Medicine by phone or online to arrange your personal consultation. A younger, more relaxed expression is only days away. Book your session now. 

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