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5 Rosacea-Friendly Skin Care Tips

5 Rosacea-Friendly Skin Care Tips

Rosacea affects approximately 16 million people in the United States, leaving them with reddened, bumpy, and thickening skin on their face. If you fall into this group, there are many ways you can take charge of this progressive skin condition. And since April is Rosacea Awareness Month, we thought we’d spend a little time discussing rosacea and the roads you can take to minimize its effect on your life.

Here at Bayview General Medicine & Aesthetics, Dr. Richard Blanchar and our team of specialists are dedicated to helping our clients in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, love the skin they’re in. From the latest antiaging techniques to dealing with skin conditions like rosacea and acne, we’ve got you covered.

To help you better negotiate the world of rosacea, we’ve pulled together five tips that will serve you well.

1. Know your enemy

One of the best tools you have in the fight against rosacea is education. Rosacea is a tricky condition that still contains many mysteries, but we’re making headway in figuring out what causes the skin problem. New research points to neurovascular dysregulation and a malfunctioning immune system as the probable drivers behind the inflammatory disease.

As well, researchers have found that a microscopic mite called demodex folliculorum may contribute to rosacea. While the presence of this mite isn’t unusual on human skin, they’re more abundant on people with rosacea.

And then there’s the genetic component, which we feel plays a role. In other words, if you have close relatives with rosacea, you may be prone, too.

The bottom line is that new research is continually coming online, so you’d do well to have us monitor your rosacea so we can bring the latest science to your problem.

In the meantime, the next four tips are designed to help you better manage the symptoms.

2. Wash carefully

If you have rosacea, you should clean and dry your face thoroughly each day, but be very mindful about scrubbing your skin. The last thing your skin needs is more irritation, so use gentle cleansers and dab your face dry rather than rubbing a coarse towel over the area.

3. Provide protection

One of the most important things you can do to combat rosacea is to keep your skin protected from the elements, namely the sun, which is plentiful here in Florida. Be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and wear a hat for further protection.

Your skin is very fragile, especially during a flare-up, so choose a sunscreen that’s designed for sensitive skin. We’re happy to point you in the right direction when it comes to skin care products.

4. Know your triggers

Rosacea flare-ups occur for many reasons, but we do know that your skin can react to certain triggers more than others. For example, excessive flushing directly affects this skin condition, so understand what makes your skin flush. While you can’t stop from being embarrassed, there are other contributors, such as:

Even stress or your emotions can contribute, which is why so many rosacea sufferers turn to relaxation techniques.

5. Massage it out

Some people with rosacea have found that a gentle daily massage of their facial skin helps keep flare-ups at bay. To start, clean your face and your hands and then use your fingers to apply gentle circular motions on your skin, working your way from your nose to the sides of your face. You can use an oil if you’d like, but be sure it’s one that doesn’t irritate your skin.

If you’d like to learn more about controlling, and treating your rosacea, we invite you to give us a call. Or you can use the online booking tool to set up an appointment.

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